// Canadian Mission to Unreached Peoples Society //
Who We Are
Canadian Mission to Unreached Peoples Society (CMUPS for short) is a grassroots Christian ministry, whose aim is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We operate in the hardest-to-reach places in the world, and we work with local communities, churches, and leaders to help mobilize their resources. Through the efforts of the workers who serve with CMUPS, we are able to impact hundreds of lives every year with the hope and life that comes through knowing Jesus.
About Us
Our Visio
Our Vision
CMUPS exists to facilitate mature Christ followers to be His ambassadors to the world’s unreached by demonstrating God’s love in word and deed. We encourage creative, holistic strategies that transform communities, plant healthy churches and multiply disciples.
What We Do
We are interdenominational, engaging people from all walks of life. We utilize creative ministry strategies including teaching ESL, online biblical training, and pastoral teaching. We facilitate opportunities for Discovery Teams to come alongside our missionaries to discover their calling. We strive to be flexible, and facilitate placements within your ministry goals. We provide administrative services in support of workers and teams.
Our Values
Dependency on God: We rely on the Word of God, on prayer and on worship as a corporate lifestyle as we obey the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.
Focus on the Unreached: The poor refers to those experiencing physical poverty in all walks of life and those walking in darkness, estranged from their Creator.
Partnership with Churches: We believe the Church is God’s vehicle for change in communities, and partner with them to help develop their vision for their community. We work with existing local churches or plant churches.
Mobilizing Local Resources: We believe all are created in the image of God and therefore are to be treated with dignity and not to be regarded as victims or needy. Everyone has talents, abilities, creativity, time and prayer that they can contribute.
Where We Work
CMUPS is based out of Surrey, British Columbia, and our foreign workers operate all over the world. We are currently serving in Southeast Asia, Japan, Taiwan, and Eastern Africa, among others.
What Can I Do?
Do you have a passion for reaching the lost? Check out our Serve page for current opportunities!
We seek to use creative strategies to engage in ministry, including:
- Education/Teaching
- Entrepreneurship
- Health Care
- Music Ministry
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- Micro-Enterprise Development
- Engineering/Water Resources
- Church Planting & Evangelism
Our foreign workers rely on generous supporters like you to make their ministry possible. Consider giving to a great cause today.
